Featured Retailer of the Month
Atlantic Pool & Spa in North Conway opened in March 2006, and continues today in the same location under the same ownership: Mike and Melissa Monfet.
Mike is from Laconia and Melissa from Tamworth. She graduated from Kennett High School and met Mike while going to college in Laconia for Graphic Arts. She worked for the Concord Monitor Newspaper and Keepsake Quilting in Meredith doing graphic arts. Mike worked for Energy Savers, Woodman's Forge & Fireplace, and then Glamour Pools before opening his own store with Melissa.
Because of Mike’s experience in the spa industry, he did his research and found the most reliable brands for his own business. He and Melissa went out to the factory to see where and how the spas were built. They also looked at the insulation that was offered and, based on their research, decided to carry the brands they have today.
Examples of Dimension One and Nordic Hot Tubs
They now offer three brands of hot tubs, Dimension One, Nordic Hot Tubs & Cal Spas, and they service all brands of spas regardless of whether or not they sold them. They also offer Finnleo Saunas and service all major brands. In addition, they sell Radiant Pools & Optimum Pools, service all pools, and offer liner replacements for all in-ground and above ground pools. A wide variety of commercial customers buy products and are serviced through them.

Much of Mike and Melissa's growth can be attributed to returning customers who have either moved and need a spa for their new home or who have decided to upgrade their old spa, and this great customer network with its many recommendations has helped to grow their business every year.
For Atlantic Pool & Spa, the busiest time of the year is spring through fall because at that time they are busy with pool openings and closings as well as spa service. They offer a wide variety of spas to fit anyone's needs: basic spas for rental property customers, as well as spas that have all the latest features and luxury contours for full body hydrotherapy.

A lot of customers don’t realize that the snow does not stop their delivery schedule, and they can deliver throughout the year. They’ve even used sleds designed to get spas through the snow to their destinations! They also work with boom truck delivery services to get spas to second floor decks or to go up over a house to the back yard.

servicing a pool heater
Not sure how to balance your water? Bring in 12 ounces of water from your pool or spa, and they have a digital analyzer that will give you a printout that they will go over with you step by step to ensure that they help you get your water balance right where it needs to be. Mike and Melissa make water care easy!